Do Supergreens Stop Bloating?

Do Supergreens Stop Bloating?

7 min read


30 Jul 2024

We know that feeling bloated is a common condition and an uncomfortable one at that. It’s common, too.

Bloating affects 10 to 25% of otherwise healthy people. Up to 90% of people with IBS experience bloating, and up to 75% of women can often experience it before and during their periods.

Bloating most commonly occurs when your gastrointestinal tract is filled with air or gas. Gas can build up in your digestive tract through undigested food or from the air you swallow when you eat or drink. 

Swallowing air is a natural part of eating and drinking—but some can take in more air than others, which can cause bloating.

Bloating can also be caused by chewing gum, food intolerances, smoking, constipation, and gas accumulation in the stomach.

The good news is…there are natural ways of beating the bloat and feeling good.

Here, we’ll explain not only how supergreens can help reduce bloating but also the best way to enhance their many health benefits.

Let’s go.

Can supergreens help with bloating?

Yes, they can. Supergreens are a natural way to add essential nutrients into your diet in a quick and convenient way to help with issues that can cause bloating. 

Many people simply don’t have the time to plan and prepare a nutritious meal each day. As a result, they can suffer health issues—and that includes bloating. 

Supergreens can help compensate for the shortfall in vitamins and minerals and allow your body to absorb the nutrients it needs to function properly.

The many vitamins and minerals packed into supergreens help to break down the food you’re consuming, making digestion much easier. This helps to reduce digestive issues such as bloating and constipation.

Some supergreens even contain digestive enzymes to aid your gut further. These enzymes can help your body break down the food that can be causing your bloating.

What else can you do to reduce bloating?

supergreen powder

The first thing you should look at if you want to reduce bloating is your diet. It’s important that you give your body the essential nutrients it needs to function properly and digest your food comfortably. Watch out for any foods which may trigger your bloating and try to isolate what they are so you can reduce or eliminate them from your diet. 

You can also help to reduce your bloating by making some small lifestyle changes. 

These include…

Eating more frequently

Before you get too excited about the idea of having six main meals a day, we’re talking about eating smaller meals…more often. 

Sometimes, bloating can happen when you eat too much at one time. Reducing the amount you eat at each sitting and spreading it out over the day will allow your stomach to cope more easily, as there is less to digest each time.

Increase your physical activity

Move around more often. Yes, getting your heart rate up and moving oxygen around your body more frequently will help with both digestion and delivering essential nutrients to your system. 

We don’t suggest going for a five-mile run right after a heavy meal. Wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you exercise. And keep it light—but consistent.

Drinking a sensible amount of water

By this, we mean drink enough to meet your body’s demands—but don’t overdo it. An adult should be aiming for six to eight cups or glasses of fluid per day. 

Drinking well in excess of the recommended amount may cause bloating, though it's usually temporary. This can happen when you drink large amounts of water quickly.

Reducing your intake of alcohol

woman turning down alcohol

One of the main causes of bloating is dehydration, and this is something alcohol can cause in abundance. 

When your body lacks water intake, it tries to retain it, which causes bloating in the stomach and often in the face, too. Alcohol can also cause gastritis, which can irritate the stomach.

The excess sugar and carbonation in alcohol can cause additional gas in your digestive system, which can lead to bloating. So, take it easy on the tipples.

Reducing fizzy soda consumption

Fizzy drinks can cause bloating through carbonation and their excess sugar and sodium content, so it’s a good idea to reduce the amount you drink or eliminate them from your diet.

Eat mindfully and slowly

Eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly reduces the risk of swallowing excess air. Make your portion sizes smaller to avoid overeating.

Reduce your stress levels

woman relaxing

Stress can be a real health disrupter, and digestive issues are likely if you have high levels of stress and anxiety. 

Try to manage your stress better through exercise, meditation, yoga, and by getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

What are supergreens?

Greens powders are made from dehydrated and powdered vegetables and fruits that are packed with the highest quality nutrients. So, if you’re struggling to get all the nutrients into your diet to help your digestive system, supergreens can help.

Greens powders are becoming increasingly popular as those with extremely busy lives find it harder to prepare nutritious meals each day. Supergreens can help fill in the gaps, boost nutrition, and support health.

Greens powders are a great way to make sure you’re getting all of the green nutrients you need to meet your health and fitness goals.

How can I reduce bloating with supergreens?

bloated woman

If used correctly, a greens powder can reduce or even stop bloating. But, taking a daily dose of supergreens will not have much effect if you’re not taking care of your health.

Adding a greens powder to your daily routine will help your bloating and many other aspects of your health as long as you…

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a nutritional diet daily
  • Manage your stress levels
  • Cut down on bad health habits
  • Hydrate regularly
  • Eat mindfully

Supergreens are not a substitute for vegetables. But you can use them as a quick and convenient booster to supplement your nutritional intake and help your body function properly. 

Supergreens are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can supercharge your health and provide additional support for your gut and digestive issues.

YourBiology supergreens are the perfect way to beat the bloat, reboot your digestive system, supercharge your immunity and replenish your energy. 

They’re absolutely packed with vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes to supercharge your gut and boost your overall health.

What are the other benefits of supergreens?

As well as helping to reduce bloating and help your digestive system, greens powders have a whole host of other health benefits.  

Taking a dose of supergreens each day can help you in the following ways…

Better immunity

Because of the high levels of vitamins (particularly vitamin C) contained in greens powders, they’re great for strengthening your immune system.

Lower blood pressure

blood pressure

Some studies show that consuming greens powder daily can help lower blood pressure. Again, this can be due to the high level of healthy nutrients contained in each scoop.

Increased energy

Supergreens can help you feel more energised and alert due to their treasure trove of health-boosting properties. They contain compounds that can help you feel revitalized.

Improved nutrient intake

Supergreens powders are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from green vegetables, plus a blend of other plant sources. 

They’re not a food substitute. But used as a supplement, greens powders can boost your health by increasing daily nutrient intake.

A reduced risk of chronic diseases

Living a healthier lifestyle by improving your diet means you’re likely to have a lower risk of chronic diseases, which are commonly associated with poor nutrition. 

The high antioxidant content in super greens can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease by fighting cell-damaging free radicals. 

As supergreens are packed with antioxidants, they can also help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Glowing skin

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in super greens powders may contribute to healthier, more radiant skin. 

Greens powders contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals like selenium, which help to support skin health.

Better weight management

A greens powder packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will help to support your weight. It shouldn’t be considered a meal replacement—but it’s the perfect way to pack in essential nutrients without packing on the pounds—if used in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

YourBiology’s supergreens are perfect for helping you beat the bloat. They’re packed full of the very best, nutritious greens to supercharge your gut. It’s time to flip the script on gut health…for good.

Your health-boosting FAQs

green veg

What foods should I avoid to reduce bloating?

Some foods you should consider reducing or eliminating from your diet include sugary and processed foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and food high in salt.

How does stress cause bloating?

When stressed, your body slows down your digestive functions, resulting in reduced blood flow to the gut, decreased intestinal function, and reduced production of digestive enzymes.

How can I tell if my bloating is due to a food intolerance?

There are a number of ways to check food intolerance levels. Keeping a diary of your eating habits is a good idea so that you can see what you eat before you have a bloating issue. 

Try to eliminate food which you consume on a day when bloating occurs to see if that helps. If you consistently have issue when eating a particular type of food, you may have an intolerance to it.

Consulting a medical expert is a good idea if you want to get the best advice on your dietary health.
